Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Visit The Dentist?

It is widely assumed that you should see a dentist twice a year. This is a good rule of thumb to remember when in doubt. However, if you want to know how frequently you should have a dental checkup, you should consider your specific mouth, hygiene, habits, and overall health.

I Have No Dental Issues. Do I Have To Visit a Dentist?

Many people wait till they experience toothaches or awkward color changes before visiting a dentist. But this is not advisable. A problem that started mildly would have gone worse before it got the notice of the dentist. And it may become more problematic. Visiting a Scottsdale Dentist regularly for a check-up means protecting yourself from a bigger problem. Just as the proverb says, a stitch in time saves nine. Again, you may have a dental problem and not be aware. You can also visit a dentist to get teeth whitening done; it will boost your confidence and give you a precious smile.

How Often Should I Change My Toothbrush?

As part of good oral hygiene, you should change your toothbrush regularly. The dentist advised that you should change your toothbrush every three months. Plaques accumulate on your toothbrush, so you should change them regularly. Patients treating tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues should change their toothbrushes more often. Toothbrushes should be washed, cleaned, and kept in a cool place. Electric toothbrushes can be used for more than 3 months before replacing them. We await your visit to Scottsdale Dentistry. Kindly reach out to us through the details given on our page.  We want to see your precious smile.

How Can I Keep My Teeth Healthy Between Dental Exams?

Always remember to clean your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day! Make sure you’re using fluoride toothpaste, and ask our experts whether you need a fluoride rinse. This will aid in the prevention of cavities. Avoid sugary foods (which increase the number of germs in the mouth, perhaps leading to increased plaque and cavities), as well as smoke (which can stain teeth, cause gum disease, and eventually lead to oral cancer). Brush your tongue if you want to! Food particles will be removed, and plaque-causing bacteria will be reduced. Brushing your tongue can also help keep your breath fresh. Make an appointment for your regular checkup. It is suggested that you see your Dentist Scottsdale every six months.

What Should I Look For When Selecting A Dentist?
  • What time is the business time? Do they fit your schedule?
  • Is it easy to access the office from work or home?
  • Where were the dentists trained and educated?
  • What is the dentist’s approach to preventive dentistry?
  • How often do dentists attend meetings and continuing education workshops?
  • What type of anesthesia is the dentist certified to help you feel relaxed and more comfortable during the required dental treatment?
  • What are the arrangements made to deal with emergencies outside business hours? (Most dentists coordinate with colleagues or emergency referral services if they are unable to respond to an emergency.)
  • Is information about all fees and payment schedules provided before treatment is scheduled? When making comparisons, ask for a quote on some common procedures such as x-rays of the entire mouth, oral examination and cleaning, and caries filling.
  • Do dentists participate in your dental care plan?
  • What is the medical treatment policy of the absent dentist?
Is Scottsdale Dentistry Excellence Committed To High Standards?

Absolutely, our dental practices are committed to a standard of excellence. Everyone from our team to Dr. Tony Kaocharoen himself holds themselves to the highest standards at all times. We offer a full range of dental services that can be customized to your unique needs and preferences. Comprehensive treatment planning that includes both general, restorative, and cosmetic dental care is available. If you have a dental emergency, Scottsdale Dentist Dr. Kaocharoen will strive to see you as soon as possible, and our entire team wants to ensure an environment that is welcoming, comfortable, and conducive to optimal oral health.

How Do You Perfect Your Smile?

We get a lot of queries about how to improve your smile. You would expect the solutions to be straightforward, but they rarely are. Your smile is unique, and the enhancements that work for someone else might not work for you. Whether we are making a modest grin modification or planning a whole smile makeover, we must pay close attention to detail. Dr. Kaochareon will discuss your goals and preferences, advise you about your cosmetic and restorative alternatives, and assist you in making the best decisions for your smile during your appointment. Teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, clear aligners, and even tooth replacement may be recommended. By the end of your consultation, we will have a plan in place and can even show you a preview of the finished product through digital imaging.

How Do I Schedule My Next Checkup?

To schedule your next checkup, simply call Dentist Scottsdale at 480-607-0498! Our front desk staff will be happy to help schedule your next dental checkup at your convenience. Please let us know if you are a new patient, and we will give you all the information you want for your first dental appointment.


Dr. Kaocharoen

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